Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sorry. One more thing.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm starting to remember some more of the things I've used. For one thing, I love my Delicious account, and I have to say that I'm glad they've taken out the random punctuation they originally placed throughout that word. (What was that all about, anyway? Random periods in the middle of a word? Nonsense!) Having a delicious account has actually prompted me to dig around and find more links I want to go back to. I'm pleased that I subscribed to freetechnologyforteachers or whatever, because I've seen lots of sites that I marked in order to visit when I've got the time. And of course, since my google reader is on my personalized igoogle page, I get lots of updates on a regular basis, and it's super convenient. Even though I haven't been good about blogging about my technological adventures, I've enjoyed reading other people's blogs as well as the few things I've subscribed to. I'm taking baby steps, and I do feel like I'm learning a lot! Yee-Haw!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Yea! I'm glad you are finding Delicious to be helpful . . . feel free to share any of the cool resources you discover -- it is an easy way to get in a blog post!