Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sorry. One more thing.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm starting to remember some more of the things I've used. For one thing, I love my Delicious account, and I have to say that I'm glad they've taken out the random punctuation they originally placed throughout that word. (What was that all about, anyway? Random periods in the middle of a word? Nonsense!) Having a delicious account has actually prompted me to dig around and find more links I want to go back to. I'm pleased that I subscribed to freetechnologyforteachers or whatever, because I've seen lots of sites that I marked in order to visit when I've got the time. And of course, since my google reader is on my personalized igoogle page, I get lots of updates on a regular basis, and it's super convenient. Even though I haven't been good about blogging about my technological adventures, I've enjoyed reading other people's blogs as well as the few things I've subscribed to. I'm taking baby steps, and I do feel like I'm learning a lot! Yee-Haw!

A little glitch

Okay...for some reason I had trouble with my last blog entry. Obviously it got published, but here's what happened: I typed it up on my igoogle personalized page...where I can easily access my google reader as well. After typing it I tried to hit "publish," but was unable to do so. (My curser was an "I" beam instead of an arrow.) So I copied the text, and hit the "blogger" button, which took me to my entire blog. I pasted it there and sent it from that spot. Does anyone know why I couldn't do it from my igoogle page that time? Would it be because I hadn't blogged in a couple weeks? Right now I'm typing on my igoogle page, and it looks like I'll be able to send it right from here. Weird. There's probably a simple explanation. ???

Back again

Okay. It's been far too long since my last blog, so now I need to try to remember what stuff I've played around with. Hmmmmm...
I continue to be overwhelmed and impressed by the team at Google. Holy moly. I could spend hours and hours exploring all the different tools they've got available. Although I don't always find things to use in my classroom, I've been having some fun showing my husband some features that he hasn't seen. (When it comes to technology, he is WAY farther along than I am!) I thought the Google Scholar thing was pretty cool, and I was also just impressed with all the fun little tricks I can use the search bar using it as a calculator and spellcheck and about a zillion other things.

Monday, September 22, 2008

google docs?

Does anyone know how to check that I typed in the email addresses correctly? After the document was supposedly sent, it only lists the collaborators with their last name and 1st initial. I'm wondering if I typed the addresses in too quickly and made some sort of typo or something. I just don't know how to check what I typed in.

Also, do I have to do something special (like sign up for that "analytics" thing) in order to see who has edited the document when? For some reason I thought that was just supposed to show up.

help with google docs?

Hi Everyone! For some reason my collaborators didn't receive my document through google docs, even though all the names are listed as collaborators on my page, and it told me the message was sent. What did I do wrong???

Friday, September 19, 2008

Remember the Milk

Okay. I signed up for a "Remember the Milk" account and it's on my igoogle page along with all kinds of other fun stuff. Very handy!

I LOVE making lists, so this site appeals to me. When I think of some random thing I'm supposed to remember later on, I can just add it to my list.

I did find one down side to the site (unless I just haven't looked hard enough yet). See...besides loving MAKING lists, I also love crossing stuff OFF the lists. In fact, when I'm working on completing items on a list during my prep, for example, I will actually add things on that I accomplished just so I can cross them off! (I KNOW I'm not the only person who does this!!!) I guess I just love to feel like I've accomplished a bunch of stuff. Anyway, my "issue" with Remember the Milk is that when I mark something off as completed, the line item disappears from the list altogether. What is THAT all about? I want to see the item CROSSED OFF! :)

HA! I admit it. I'm a dork. This is just one more way to prove it.

Monday, September 15, 2008


I can't stop playing with!!! My 7-year-old daughter and I had a BLAST with it for over an hour on Saturday night! Seriously...try putting your dog's face in about 1974 or so (male). WOW. :) Also hilarious: my 6-month-old nephew's face in ANY of the male options. :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Google Docs

Oh...I experimented a little with Google Docs, and it seems like a pretty cool tool. I'm setting up a document for my department to use. As we look ahead to what's needed in our classrooms in the new building, it'll be nice to have one document that everyone can access from school, home, or anywhere else.

Back at it!

After a long delay since my last blog, I'm finding time to do another. I feel like I'm taking baby steps with all of this stuff, which I suppose is better than nothing. I've definitely got lots to learn.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


This is a test. I think Megan and Brie are pure geniuses. :)

Google Reader

Okay. This computer is not cooperating with me. Why can't I read any blogs? Where are the tabs that are supposed to be up on top? Grrrrrrr. This is a good lesson in patience.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

End of Day One

Okay. I think I just need some time to really explore this stuff. It's a little overwhelming, but it's fun, too. It'd be nice if this was the only thing I had to think about. Oh well.

time zone change

Okay. I've changed my settings so that I'm in the correct time zone. I'll count that as one minor victory.

First Attempt

Where the heck did my first blog go?