Monday, September 22, 2008

google docs?

Does anyone know how to check that I typed in the email addresses correctly? After the document was supposedly sent, it only lists the collaborators with their last name and 1st initial. I'm wondering if I typed the addresses in too quickly and made some sort of typo or something. I just don't know how to check what I typed in.

Also, do I have to do something special (like sign up for that "analytics" thing) in order to see who has edited the document when? For some reason I thought that was just supposed to show up.

help with google docs?

Hi Everyone! For some reason my collaborators didn't receive my document through google docs, even though all the names are listed as collaborators on my page, and it told me the message was sent. What did I do wrong???

Friday, September 19, 2008

Remember the Milk

Okay. I signed up for a "Remember the Milk" account and it's on my igoogle page along with all kinds of other fun stuff. Very handy!

I LOVE making lists, so this site appeals to me. When I think of some random thing I'm supposed to remember later on, I can just add it to my list.

I did find one down side to the site (unless I just haven't looked hard enough yet). See...besides loving MAKING lists, I also love crossing stuff OFF the lists. In fact, when I'm working on completing items on a list during my prep, for example, I will actually add things on that I accomplished just so I can cross them off! (I KNOW I'm not the only person who does this!!!) I guess I just love to feel like I've accomplished a bunch of stuff. Anyway, my "issue" with Remember the Milk is that when I mark something off as completed, the line item disappears from the list altogether. What is THAT all about? I want to see the item CROSSED OFF! :)

HA! I admit it. I'm a dork. This is just one more way to prove it.

Monday, September 15, 2008


I can't stop playing with!!! My 7-year-old daughter and I had a BLAST with it for over an hour on Saturday night! Seriously...try putting your dog's face in about 1974 or so (male). WOW. :) Also hilarious: my 6-month-old nephew's face in ANY of the male options. :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Google Docs

Oh...I experimented a little with Google Docs, and it seems like a pretty cool tool. I'm setting up a document for my department to use. As we look ahead to what's needed in our classrooms in the new building, it'll be nice to have one document that everyone can access from school, home, or anywhere else.

Back at it!

After a long delay since my last blog, I'm finding time to do another. I feel like I'm taking baby steps with all of this stuff, which I suppose is better than nothing. I've definitely got lots to learn.