Monday, September 15, 2008


I can't stop playing with!!! My 7-year-old daughter and I had a BLAST with it for over an hour on Saturday night! Seriously...try putting your dog's face in about 1974 or so (male). WOW. :) Also hilarious: my 6-month-old nephew's face in ANY of the male options. :)


Emily Beltz said...

I know what you mean! It is so fun! I showed a few students the pictures I created and there were amazed that it wasn't my body and hair! It's a lot of fun when you're procrastinating or stuck inside on a rainy day!

Nelson's teachings said...

You are hilarious. I don't want to start, because I won't quit!!

Jeanne LaMoore said...

This sounds so entertaining! I wish you'd post some of the pictures for our entertainment . . . I should tell the friend who introduced the site to me what he has wrought.