Monday, September 22, 2008

google docs?

Does anyone know how to check that I typed in the email addresses correctly? After the document was supposedly sent, it only lists the collaborators with their last name and 1st initial. I'm wondering if I typed the addresses in too quickly and made some sort of typo or something. I just don't know how to check what I typed in.

Also, do I have to do something special (like sign up for that "analytics" thing) in order to see who has edited the document when? For some reason I thought that was just supposed to show up.


Karen said...

Did you get this figured out? I'm trying to figure out what happened from what you wrote . . . to test it, I added one of my email address that is not attached to Google as a collaborator on a document. I received the email in my hotmail account and was able to view it with the option to create and sign into a Google Account. Do you remember if you wrote a little message in the box that pops up? As for the email addresses, I don't know. Email me if you want to work through it that way:

Jeanne LaMoore said...

The biggest problem I've had with sharing googledocs is when I use district email addresses instead of gmail addresses. . . I'm not sure why that is, and I know some of my colleagues don't want a gmail account.