Friday, September 19, 2008

Remember the Milk

Okay. I signed up for a "Remember the Milk" account and it's on my igoogle page along with all kinds of other fun stuff. Very handy!

I LOVE making lists, so this site appeals to me. When I think of some random thing I'm supposed to remember later on, I can just add it to my list.

I did find one down side to the site (unless I just haven't looked hard enough yet). See...besides loving MAKING lists, I also love crossing stuff OFF the lists. In fact, when I'm working on completing items on a list during my prep, for example, I will actually add things on that I accomplished just so I can cross them off! (I KNOW I'm not the only person who does this!!!) I guess I just love to feel like I've accomplished a bunch of stuff. Anyway, my "issue" with Remember the Milk is that when I mark something off as completed, the line item disappears from the list altogether. What is THAT all about? I want to see the item CROSSED OFF! :)

HA! I admit it. I'm a dork. This is just one more way to prove it.

1 comment:

Jeanne LaMoore said...

Call me a dork, too, but I totally agree on the joy of having a list of crossed off items! It feels good to get stuff done. But I hadn't heard of this "Remember the Milk" site - I'll have to check it out.